Επισκευές και Ενισχύσεις Δοκών

Ενίσχυση με νέες στρώσεις σκυροδέματος

  • Flexural Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams Retrofitted or Repaired with Slurry Infiltrated Mat Concrete. A.F. Oluokun and A.R. Haghayeghi ACI Str. J., Nov-Dec 98 pp 654.
  • Prediction of Flexural Strength of Reinforced Concrete Beams Retrofitted with Slurry Infiltrated Mat Concrete (SIMCON). Abdul R. Haghayeghi and Ajiboye F. Oluokun. ACI Str. J., Sep-Oct 98 pp 558.
  • Strengthening of RC beams by using sprayed concrete: experimental approach. Diab. Engineering structures, Vol 20(7), pp 631-643, 1998.
  • R/C repairs in beams. Nounu, Chaudhary. Construction and Building materials, Vol 13, pp195-212, 1999.
  • Ultimate Strength of Flexurally Strengthened R.C. Members, Dritsos S., Proc. of 10th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vienna, 1994.
  • Strengthening of RC Beams by New Cement Based Layers, Dritsos S., Proc. of  International Conference: Concrete Repair Rehabilitation and Protection, Dundee, 1996.
  • Flexural Behaviour of Retrofitted RC Beams, Dritsos S., Proc. of 11th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Acapulco, 1996.
  • Analysis of Retrofitted Reinforced Concrete Beams, Dritsos S., Proc. of 7th International Conference on Structural Faults and Repair, Edinburgh, 1997.

  Ενίσχυση με μεταλλικά ελάσματα και φύλλα FRP.

  • Deflection of Steel-Concrete Composite Beams with Partial Shear Interaction. Y. C. Wang. ASCE J. Str. Eng., Oct 98, pp 1159.
  • External Plate Reinforcement for Concrete Beams. I. K. Subedi and P. S. Baglin. ASCE J. Str. Eng., Dec 98, pp 1490.
  • Seismic retrofit of R/C coupling beams using steel plates. Harries, Cook, Mitchell.  ACI SP160, 1996.
  • Μέθοδος Διαστασιολόγησης Ενισχύσεως Στοιχείων Οπλισμένου Σκυροδέματος με Χαλύβδινα Επικολλητά Ελάσματα. D.Van Gemert, J. Dereymaeker, Σ. Κουντούρης, Δ. Πολυζωίδης, Πρακτικά 7ου Ελληνικού Συνεδρίου Σκυροδέματος, Πάτρα, 1985.
  • Peeling and diagonal tension failures in steel plated r/c beams. Ashrafuddin, Baluch, Sharif et al. Construction and Building materials, Vol 13, pp459-467, 1999.
  • Analytical Study of Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened with Web-Bonded Fiber Reinforced Plastic Plates or Fabrics. Malek, Saadatmanesh. ACI Str J Vol 95(3) 1998.
  • Brittle Failure in FRP Plate and Sheet Bonded Beams Arduini, Di Tommaso, Nanni. ACI Str J 94(4), 1997.
  • Analysis of r/c beams strengthened in flexure with composite laminates. Nitereka, neale, Can. J. of Civ. Eng. Vol 26, pp646-654, 1999.
  • Strengthening or r/c beams with externally bonded fiber-reinforced-plastic plates: design guidelines for shear and flexure. Chaallal, Nollet, Perraton. Can. J. of Civ. Eng. Vol 25, pp692-704, 1998.
  • An investigation of the composite action of an FRP/concrete prismatic beam. Canning, Hollaway, Thorne. Construction and Building materials, Vol 13, pp417-426, 1999.
  • An experimental study of the anchorage length of carbon fibre composite plates used to strengthen r/c beams. Garden, Quantrill, Hollaway, Thorne, Parke. Construction and Building materials, Vol 12, pp203-219, 1998.
  • Νέα Τεχνική Ενίσχυσης Στοιχείων Οπλισμένου Σκυροδέματος με Σύνθετα Υλικά: Διαδικασία Ανάλυσης και Διαστασιολόγησης, Τριανταφύλλου Θ., Πρακτικά 13ου Ελληνικού Συνεδρίου Σκυροδέματος, Ρέθυμνο, 1999.
  • Ενισχύσεις Κατασκευών με Σύνθετα Υλικά-Υπολογισμοί, Τριανταφύλλου Θ., Δελτ. Συλ. Πολιτικών Μηχανικών, Νο 275, 2000.
  • Strengthening Through Bonded External Reinforcement Design for Extended Durable Service Life. Spadea G., Bencardino F., Swamy R.N., Proc. of  2nd International Symposium: Cement and Concrete Technology in the 2000 s, Istanbul, 2000.
  • Σχεδιασμός Οπλισμένου Σκυροδέματος με Ινοπλισμένα Πολυμερή. Νεοκλέους Κ., Πηλακούτας Κ., Δρίτσος Σ., Τριανταφύλλου Θ., Πρακτικά 13ου Ελληνικού Συνεδρίου Σκυροδέματος, Ρέθυμνο, 1999.
  • Επισκευές Mετά τον Σεισμό, Τάσιος Θ., Συνέδριο-Σεισμοί και Κατασκευές, Ο.Α.Σ.Π., Τόμος Ι, Αθήνα, 1984.
  • Plates Steel Leeds Floor, Barret N., New Civil Engineer, p.18, 1985.
  • Investigation of the Flexural Properties of R.C., Beams Strengthened by Externally Bonded Steel Plates, Bloxham J., PhD Thesis University of Sheffield, 1980.
  • Nouvellas Researches et Applications Concrernant L’ Utilization des Collages dans les Structures, Bresson J., Beton Plaque, Annales de l’Institut Technique du Batiment et des Travaux Publics, Serie: Beton & Beton Arme, No 116, Supplement No 278, , pp.23-49, 1971.
  • Realisation Practique d’un Reinforcement par Collage d’armatures, Bresson J., Annales de l’ITBTP, Suppl., 278, pp.50-52, 1971.
  • Reinforcement par Collage D’ Αrmatures du Passage Inferieur du CD 126 Sous L’Autoroute du Sud, Bresson J., Annales de l’ITTBTR, Serie Beton Arme Suppl. 279, pp.3-42.,1972.
  • L’ Application du Beton Plague, Bresson J., AITBTR No 349,1977.
  •  Japanese Style Strengthening for MS Bridges, Brown K., Construction News,  p.21, 1973.
  • Exposure Tests on Externally Reinforced Concrete Beams- First Two Years, Calder A., TRRL Supl. Report 529, Crowthorne/Books, 1979.
  • Exposure Tests on Externally Reinforced Concrete Beams-Performance after 10 years, Calder A., TRRL Research Report 129, 1988.
  • Exposure Tests on 3.5 m Externally Reinforced Concrete Beams, Calder A., The first 8 years, TRRL Research Report, 191, 1989.
  • Structural Behaviour of Concrete Beams Strengthened by Epoxy Steel Plates, Charif A., PhD thesis, University of Sheffield, 358 pp, 1983.
  • Flexural Tests of Steel-Concrete Open Sandwiches, Cusens A., Magazine of Steel-Concrete Research, Vol. 34, No 120, 1982.
  • A Study of Epoxy Resin Adhesive Joints in Shear, Cusens A., and Smith D.W., The structural Engineer, Vol.58A, No 1, pp.13-18, 1980.
  • Strengthening of Brinsworth Road Bridge, Rotherham, Davies B.L., Powell J., IABSE 12th Congress, Vancouver, BC, pp.401-407, 1984.
  • Design Analysis and Experimental Investigation of the Repair of Two Prestressed Bridges, De Buck J., Van Essche T., Van Gemert D., Gamski K., Tijdscherift der Openbare Werken van Belgie, (in Dutch and in French),  1981.
  • Strengthening of Bridge Beams and Similar Structures by Means of Epoxy-Resin-Bonded External Reinforcement, Dussek I., Transportation Research Record, 785, pp.21-24, 1980.
  • The Development of Structural Adhesives for Three Original Uses in South Africa, Fleming C.J., King G.E.M., RILEM, International Symposium, Synthetic Resins in Building Construction Paris, pp 75-92, 1967.
  • Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Beams With Externally Attached Steel Plates, Haji-Kazemi H., PhD thesis, Department of Civil & Structural Engineering, University college, Cardiff, Wales, U.K., 1987.
  • Durability of Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened by Epoxy Bonded Steel Plates, Hobbs B., Roberts M., Jones R., Swammy R., Proc. of SERC/RMO Conf. London, pp.95-99, 1989.
  • Behavior of Deteriorate Plated Beams, Hobbs B., Swammy R., Roberts M., Final Report, University of Sheffield, 1991.
  • Durability of Structural Adhesive Joints, Hutchinson A., PhD Thesis University of Dundee, 1986.
  • Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened by Epoxy Bonded Steel Plates, Hobbs B., Roberts M., Jones R., Swamy R., Proc. of International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering. Conference on Durability of Structures, Lisbon, 1989.
  • New Experiences With Epoxies for Structural Applications, Hugenschmidt F., Herausgeber: CIBA-GEIGY-AG, Basel, 1967.
  • Epoxy Adhesive for Concrete and Steel, Hugenschmidt H., Proc. First Internat. Congress on Polymers in Concrete, London, The Construction Press Ltd., Hormby, 1976. pp. 195-209, 1975.
  • Application of  Epoxy Resins in Strengthening of Concrete Sytuctures, Iino T., Otokawa K., Proc. Third Internat. Congress on Polymers in Concrete, Koriyama, Japan, Vol.II, pp.997-1011, 1981.
  • The Strengthening of Concrete Beams by Bonded Steel Plates, Irwin C.A.K., TRRL Supp. Report 160 UC, Transport and Research Laboratory, Dept. of the Environment,  Crowthorne, p.8, 1975.
  • The Strengthening of Concrete Beams by Bonded Plates, Irwin  C.A.K., Department of the Environment TRRL Report SR 160 UC, Crowthorne, 1975.
  • The Strengthening of Concrete Beams by Bonded Steel Plates,  Irwin C.A.K., TRRL Supplementary Report 1600C, Transport and Road Research Laboratory, Dept. of the Environment, Crowthorne, p.8,  1975.
  • Composite Behaviour of Concrete Beams with Epoxy Bonded External Reinforcement, Jones R., Swamy R.N., Bloxham J., and Bouderdalah A., The International Journal of Cement Composites 2, No 2, pp.91-107, 1980.
  • The Strength in Combined Bending and Tension of Concrete Beams with Externally Bonded Reinforcing Plates, Johnson R. and Tait C.J., Build Envr., 16(4),  pp.287-299, 1981.
  • In Situ Strengthening of Concrete Structural Members Using Epoxy-Bonded Steel Plates, Jones R., Swamy R.N., Proc. 4th Int. Congress on Polymers in Concrete, Darmastadt, pp.251-255, 1984.
  • Structural  Implications of Repairing by Epoxy-Bonded Steel Plates, Jones R., Swamy R.N., and Salman F.A.R., Proc. Second International Conf. On Structural Faults and Repair, Londong, Engineering Technics Press, pp.75-80, 1985.
  • Crack Control of Reinforced concrete Beams Trough Epoxy Bonded Steel Plates, Jones R., Swamy R., and Bloxham J., Proc. International Conf. on Adhesion Between Polymers and Concrete, Aix-en-Provence, pp.542-555, 1986.
  • Plate Separation and Anchorage of Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened by Epoxy-bonded Steel Plates, Jones R., Swamy R., Charif A., The structural engineer 66, No 5, pp.85-94, 1988.
  • Concrete Beams with External Reinforcement Bonded by Gluing-Preliminary Investigation, Kajfasz S., Proc. RILEM Symposium on Synthetic Resins in Buildings Construction, Paris, Vol.1, pp.142-151, 1967.
  • Concrete Beams with External Reinforced Bonded by Gluing, Kajfasz S., RILLEM International Symposium, Synthetic Resins in Buildings Construction, Part 2, pp. 142-151, 1967.
  • Strengthening of reinforced concrete with epoxy-bonded carbon-Fibre Plastics, Kaiser H., PhD Tsesis, ETH, Zurich, Swizerland, (in German), 1989.
  • Reinforced Concrete Members with Subsequently Bonded Steel Sheets, Lander M., IABSE Symposium, Strengthening of Building Structures-Diagnosis and Therapy, Venezia, Final Report, 46, pp.203-210, 1983.
  • Field Measurements on Subsequently Strengthened Concrete Slabs, Lander M., Douglas McHennry International Symposium on Concrete and  Concrete structures , Publication SP-55, American Concrete Institute. Detroit,  pp.481-492, 1987.
  • The Practical Applications of Externally Strengthening Existing Highway Bridges Using Steel, Symposium on Strengthening and Repair of Bridges Using Steel, Leadbeater A., Russel C., Symposium on Strengthening and Repair of Bridges, Leamington Spa, pp.6/1-1-6/9, 1988.
  • Bonded Sheet Metal Reinforcement for Concrete Slabs, Lerchental H., RILEM Intenational Symposium, Resins in Buildings Construction, Part 2, Paris, pp.165-173, 1967.
  • Bonded Sheet Metal Reinforcement for Concrete Slabs, Lerchenthal C.H., Proc.SILEM Symposium on Synthetic Resins in Buildings Construction, Paris, pp.165-174,1967.
  • L’Application des Colles et Resins dans la Construction, L’Hermite R., Ann. Inst. Tech. Trav. Publ (AITBTR) No 239, 1967.
  • Les resines synthetiques dans la construction, L’Hermite R., Architecture d’Aujourd’hui, Paris, Decembre 1968, p.141, 1969.
  • Beton Arme par Collage des Armatures, L’Hermite R., Bresson J., RILEM International Symposium, Resins in Buildings Construction, Part 2,  Paris, pp.175-203, 1969.
  • Utilisation des Colles dans le Beton Arme. Le Beton Plaque, L’Hermite R., 9o Congres Ass. Int. Ponts et Charpentes, Amsterdam, 1972.
  • Technique et Application du Beton Plaque, L’ Hermite R., Construzioni in Cemento Armato. Studie e Rendiconti. Milano, Vol. 10, 1972.
  • Use of Bonding Techniques for Reinforcing Concrete and Masonry Structures, L’ Hermite R., RILEM Materials and Structures, Vol.10, No. 56,  pp.85-89, 1977
  • The Flexural Behaviour of Concrete Beams with Bonded External Reinforcement, Macdonald M., Department of the Environment Department of Transport, TRRL Report SR 415. Crowthorne, 1978.
  • The Flexural Behaviour of Concrete Beams with Bonded External Reinforcement, MacDonald, M., TRRL Supp. Report 415, Transport and Road Research Laboratory, Department of the Environment, Crowthhorne, 1978.
  • Bonded External Reinforcement, a Method of Strengthening Structures, Mander R., Department of the Environment Report on Quinton Interchange for the M5 Motorway, 1974.
  • Bonded External Reinforcement for Strengthening Concrete Bridges, Mays G., Raithby K., Report for Transport & Road Research Laboratory by University of Dundee.
  • Engineering Property Requirements for Structural Adhesives, Mays G., Hutchinson A., Proc. Instn. Civil Engrs, Part 2, pp. 485-501, paper 9327, 1988.
  • Bridge Repair with High Performance Composite Materials, Meier U., Material and Technick, 4, pp.125-128 1987.
  • Strengthening of Structures With CFRP Laminates, Meier U., Kaiser H., Proceedings of the ASCE Specialty Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Civil Engineering Structures, Las Vegas, Nevada, 224-232, 1991.
  • Plate Bonding Bids for Bridge Upgrade, News Article, New Civil Engr., p.15,  1989.
  • Premature Failure of Externally Plated Reinforced Concrete Beams, Oehlers D., Morgan J., J.Struct. Engrg., ASCE, 116(4) , pp.978-995, 1990.
  • Reinforced Concrete Beams with Plates Glued to Their Sofits, Oehlers D., J. of Struct. Eng., ASCE, Vol.118, No 8, p.2023-2038,  1992.
  • Flexural Tests of Steel-Concrete Open Sandwiches, Ong K.C.G., Cusens A., Mag. Concr. Res., 34 (102), pp.130-138, 1982.
  • Glue Solves a Sticky Problem for Gestetner, Parkinson J., New Civil Engineer, pp.26-27, 1978.
  • Glue Solves a Sticky Problem for Gestetner, Parkinson J., New Civ. Engrg., 310 (Sept.), pp.26-27, 1987.
  • Strengthening and/or Reinforcing Concrete and Wood Structures With Advanced Composites, Plevris N., Triantafillou T.C., Research Report R91-04, Department o Civil Engineering, MIT, Cambridge, MA, 1991.
  • External Strengthening of Concrete Bridges with Bonded Steel Plates, Raithby K., TRRL Supp. Report 612, Transport and Road Research Laboratory, Department of Environment,   Crowthorne, 1980.
  • External Reinforcement of Concrete Beams using Fiber Reinforced Plastics, Ritchie P., Thomas D.,   Lu L., Connely G., ACI Structural Journal, 88(4), 490-500,  1991.
  • Plate Separation and Anchorage of Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened by Epoxy-Bonded Steel Plates, Roberts T., (correspondence). The Structural Engineer 67, No 12,21 June 1988, pp.187-188,  1988.
  • Approximate Analysis of Shear and Normal Stress Concentations in the Adhensire Layer of Plated R.C.,  Roberts T., Beams, The Structural Engineer, Vol. 76, No 12, pp.229-233,  1989.
  • Theoretical Study of the Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened by Externally Bonded Steel Plates, Roberts T.M.,  Haji-Kazemi H., Proc. Instn. Civ. Engrs. Part 2, 87, pp.39-55, paper 9344, 1989.
  • Strengthening of Under-Reinforced Concrete  Beams with Mechanically Attached Steel Plates, Roberts T., Haji-Kazemi The Inter. Jour. of  Cement Composites and Lightweight Concrete, Vol. 11, No 1, pp. 21-27,  1989.
  • A Theoretical Study of Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened by Externally Bonded Steel Plates, Roberts T., and Haji-Kazemi H., Proc. of institution of civil Engineers, Part 2, 87, pp.39-55, 1989.
  • Theoretical Study of the Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened by Externally Bonded Steel Plates, Roberts T.M., Haji-Kazemi H., Discussion on paper 9344, Proc. Instn. Civ. Engrs. Part 2, pp.651-663,  1989.
  • Long Term Performance of R.C. Beams Strengthened by Epoxy Bounded Steel Plates, Roberts T., 2nd RPR, Sheffield Univ., 1990.
  • Strengthening of R.C. Structural Members by Means of Bonded-on Reinforcement, Rostasy F., Ranish E., J. of Betonwerk Fertigteil- Technick, Vol.1, pp.6-1, Vol.2, 1981, pp. 82-86, 1981.
  • Reinforcement of Bridges by Gluing of Reinforcing Steel, Ryback M., Materials and Structures , RILEM, 16(91),13-17, 1981.
  • Reinforcement of Bridges by Gluing of Reinforcing Steel, Ryback M., RILLEM Materials and Structures 16, No 91, pp.13-17, 1981.
  • RC Beams Strengthened with CFRP Plates I: Experimental Study. Saadatmanesh H., Ehsani M., Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 117(11), 3417-3433, 1991.
  • RC Beams Strengthened with CFRP Plates II: Analysis and Parametric Study, Saadatmanesh H., Ehsani M., Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 117(11), 3434-3435, 1991.
  • Flexure Tests on Steel-Concrete Sandwiches, Solomon S., Smith D. and Cusens A., Magazine of Concrete Research, 28(94), 13-20, 1976.
  • Swanley’s steel-plate patch-up, Somerald T., New Civil Engineer, No247, pp.18-19, 1977.
  • Behaviour of Plated Reinforced Concrete Beams Subjected to Cyclic Loading During Glue Hardening, Swamy R.N., Jones R., The International Journal of Cement Composites 2, No 4, pp.233-234,  1980.
  • Under- and Over-Reinforced Concrete Beams With Glued Steel Plates, Swamy R., Jones R., and Ang T., The International Journal of Cement and Lightweight Concrete 4, No.1, pp.19-32, 1982.
  • The Effect of External Plate Reinforcement on the Strengthening of Structurally Damaged R.C. Beams, Swamy R., Jones R., Charif A., The Structural Engineer, Vol., 67, pp.15-56, No 3, 1989.
  • Structural Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened by Epoxy-Bonded Steel Plates, Swamy R., Jones R., Bloxham J., The Structural  Engineer, 65A, No2, 1987.
  • The Effect of External Beams, Swamy R., Jones R., Charif A., Struct. Engr. Vol 67, N O 3/7, pp.45-56, 1989.
  • Flexural Behaviour of Concrete Structures Strengthened with Epoxy-Bonded Fiber Plastics,       Trianrafillou T., Plevris N., International Seminar on Structural Repairs/Strengthening by the Plate Bonding Technique, University of Sheffield, U.K, 1990.
  • Strengthening of Concrete Structures with Prestressed FRP Sheets, Triantafillou T., Deskovic N., and Deuring M., ACI Structural Journal, 1992.
  • Repairing of Concrete Structures by Externally Bonded Steel Plates, Van Gemert D., Proc. ICP/RILLEM/IBK Internat. Symposium on Plastics in Material and Structural Engineering, Prague, Elsevier Scientific Publishing Co., 1982, pp.519-526, 1981.
  • Structural Repair of a Reinforced Concrete Plate by Epoxy Bonded External Reinforcement, Van Gemert D., The International Journal of Cement Composites and Lightweight Concrete, Volume 5, pp. 247-255, 1983.
  • Reinforcement des Maconeqeries par Injection de Resine Epoxy,  Van Gemert D., Vanden Boch M., IABSE Symposium, Venice, 1983.
  • Execution and control of Epoxy Bonded External Reinforcements, Van Gemert D., S&A. Publication nr.5 Repair of Concrete Constructions. Beton vereniging Zoetermeer, The Netherlands, (in Dutch),  1983.
  • Repair and Strengthening of R.C. Members by Epoxy-Bonded Steel Plates, Van Germent D., Proc. 8 W.C.EE., 1984, pp.509-516, 1984.
  • Μέθοδος Διαστασιολόγησης Ενισχύσεως Στοιχείων από Ο.Σ. με Χαλύβδινα Επικολλητά Ελάσματα, Van Gemert D., Dereymaeker J., Κουντούρης Σ., Πολυζωίδης Δ., 9ο Ελληνικό Συνέδριο Σκυροδέματος, Καλαμάτα, Τόμος ΙΙ, σελ. 180, 1990.
  • Design of Externally Bonded Steel Plate Reinforcements for Elements, loaded in bending?,  Van Gemert D., Vanden Bosch M.U. Internal Report, University of Dundee, 1988
  • An Experimental investigation of reinforced concrete beams strengthening by epoxy-bonded steel plates, Yokota H., W.B.R.


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