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- Ενισχύσεις-Επισκευές μετά από σεισμό. Γ. Γ. Πενέλης
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- Seismic rehabilitation-applications, research and current needs. Ersoy. 11th WCEE
- Retrofitting on medium-rise r/c housing structures. Hirosawa, Kitagawa, Yamazaki. 2nd Seminar on Repair and Retrofit of Structures, Ann Arbor, 1981
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- Seismic Retrofit of low-rise non ductile concrete frame buildings in the Central US. Murray, Parker. Proc. 5th US Nat. Con. On Earth. Eng. Vol 3, pp 607-616, 1994
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- The strengthening methods of the existing reinforced concrete buildings. Hayashi, Niwa, Fukuhara. 7th WCEE, Istanbul, 1980
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- NEHRP guidelines and commentary for the seismic rehabilitation of buildings. Shapiro, Rojahn, Reavely, Smith, Morelli. Earrh. Spectra Vol 16(1) Feb 2000, pp 227-239
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- Serviceability and ultimate limit state analysis of repaired P.C. and RC bridge sections. Mola. Proc of the Int. RILEM/CSIRO/ACRA Con «Rehabilitation of concrete structures»
- Structural effects of time dependent deformations in PC and RC bridges repaired using expansive concrete. Mola. 3rd Int. Workshop on bridge rehabilitation, Darmstadt 1992
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- Design Guidelines for seismic retrofitting of r/c buildings. Hirasawa, Takahara. Journal of Building Disaster Prevention, Oct 1979, The Japan Building Disaster
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- Seismic Retrofit of low-rise non ductile concrete frame buildings in the Central US. Murray, Parker. Proc. 5th US Nat. Con. On Earth. Eng. Vol 3, pp 607-616, 1994
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- Innovative retrofitting and upgrading existing structures in high seismicity areas. Romero. Proc 7th US-Japan Workshop on the Improvement of structural design and construction pracrtices. Kobe, Japan 1996
- Experimental study of new seismic strengthening method for existing r/c structure. Tagawa, Aoki, Huang, Masuda. 10th WCEE, pp 5193-5198, Spain 1992
- Some considerations for achieved ductility in r/c frame structures. Paultre, Mitchell. European Earth. Eng. Vol 4, no 2, pp 27-37, 1990
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