Eνίσχυση με FRP.
- Prefabricated Composite Jacketing of RC Columns for Enhanced Shear Strength. Y. Xiao, H. Wu, and G.R. Martin. ASCE J. Str. Eng., Mar 99, pp 255
- Studies on repair and strengthening methods of damaged r/c columns. Fukuyama, Higashibata, Miyauchi. Cement and Concrete composites. 22(2000) pp 81-88
- Column seismic retrofitting using high strength fiber jackets. Fyfe ACI SP160, 1996
- Finite element analysis of r/c columns confined with composite materials. Parent, Labossiere. Canadian Journl of Civil Eng. Vol 27, 2000
- Investigation of the behavior of circular concrete columns reinforced with carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) jackets. Purba. Mufti. Can. J. of Civ. Eng. Vol 26, pp590-596, 2000
- Confinement of r/c columns with fibre-reinforced composite sheets-an experimental study. Demers, Neale. Can. J. of Civ. Eng. Vol 26, pp226-241, 1999
- Full-scale testing of a parking structure column retrofitted with carbon fiber reinforced composites. Ma, Xiao, Li. Construction and Building materials, Vol 14, pp63-71, 2000
- Effect of Concrete Parameters on FRP-Confined Concrete, Mirmiran A., Shahawy M., Samaan M., EI Echary H., Mastrapa J., Pico O., ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, Vol. 2(4), (1998).
Ενίσχυση με μεταλλικά στοιχεία
- Seismic Resistance of Steel-Tubed High-Strength Reinforced-Concrete Columns. R.S. Aboutaha and R.I. Machado. ASCE J. Str. Eng., May 99, pp 485
- Strengthening of Column Splices for Seismic Retrofit of Nonductile Reinforced Concrete Frames. R. Valluvan, M. E. Kreger and J.O. Jirsa. ACI Str. J., Jul-Aug 93 pp 432
- Seismic Shear Strengthening for Short Columns. K. Yoshimura, K. Kikuchi, K. Iguchi and A. Tanaka
- Strengthening Existing RC Columns for Earthquake Resistance. L.F. Kahn 7th WCEE, Instabul 1980
- Συστάσεις και πρακτικοί κανόνες για τον επανέλεγχο επισκευασμένων/ενισχυμένων υποστυλωμάτων από Ο.Σ. Μ. Π. Χρονόπουλος
- Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Reinforced Concrete Tall Bridge Pier with Hollow Cross Section. L. Huang, H. Hikosaka, T. Soma, M. Satake. Structural Faults+Repair-97, Vol. 1
- Efficiency of Short Steel Jackets for Strengthening Square Section Concrete Columns. J.L. Ramirez, J.M. Barcena, J.I. Urreta, J.A. Sanchez. Structural Faults+Repair-95, Vol 2
- Seismic Retrofit of R/C Columns Using Steel Jackets. R.S. Aboutaha, M.D. Engelhardt, J.O. Jirsa, M.E. Kreger. Seismic Rehabilitation of Concrete Structures ACI-SP 160
- Α new and efficient Αpproach for Repair and Strengthening of Short Columns. P. Ozdemir, M.H. Boduroglu. 11 WCEE
- Ultimate Strength and Ductility Analysis of the stiffened Concrete Piers. O. Ishibashi, G.P. Yang, H. Hikosaka, K. Kosa. Structural Faults+Repair-97, Vol. 1
- Rehabilitation of Shear Critical Concrete Columns by Use of Rectangular Steel Jackets. Aboutaha, Engelhardt, Jirsa, Kreger. A-S-J Jan-Feb 1999
- Hysteretic rules of short columns strengthened by wire meshes or hoop plates. Sheu, Chang10th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering (ECEE)
- Seismic shear strengthening method for existing short columns. Yoshimura, Kikuchi, Kuroki. Proc. Of the ACI Int. Con. On Evaluation and Rehabilitation of Concrete Structures and Innovations in Design, SP-128, ACI, 1991, pp 1065-1079
- Research on seismic retrofit of r/c bridge columns. Priestley, Seible. Proc. Pacific Con. on Earth. Eng. Vol 3. New Zealand Nov 1991, pp 335-346
- Concrete columns short repair for total strength loss. Ramirez, Barcena, Urreta, Sanchez. Proc. 5th ICSFR-93, Vol 3, pp 213-220, Edinburg 1993
- Seismic durability of retrofitted r/c columns. Coffman, Marsh, Brown. J-S-E Vol 119, No 5 May 1993, pp 1643-1661
- Experimental study on a composite technique for repair/strengthening of r/c columns. Dritsos, Georgopoulos, Pilakoutas. Proc. 5th ICSFR-93, Vol 3, pp 189-193, Edinburg 1993
- Repair/strengthening of columns by a simple localized strengthening technique. Frangou, Pilakoutas, Dritsos. Proc. 5th ICSFR-93, Vol 3, pp 205-211, Edinburg 1993
- Seismic retrofit of circular bridge columns for enhanced flexural performance. Chai, Priestley, Seible. ACI Str. J., Vol 88, No 5 Sep-Oct 1991, pp 572-584
- Studies on repair and strengthening methods of damaged r/c columns. Fukuyama, Higashibata, Miyauchi. Cement and Concrete composites. 22(2000) pp 81-88
- Seismic Inspection and seismic strengthening of r/c bridge piers. Unjoh, Kawashima. 10th WCEE, Madrid 1982, Vol 9 pp 5279-5284
- Novel technique for the repair and strengthening of r/c columns. Frangou, Pilakoutas. 5th US Nat. Con. on Earth. Eng. Chicago, 1994
- Repair/strengthening techniques for structurally damaged r/c columns. Dritsos, Pilakoutas, Proc. 5th US NCEE, Chicago, 1994
- Seismic retrofit of existing highway bridges in Japan. Unjoh, Terayama, Adachi, Hoshikuma. Cement and Concrete Composites 22(2000) pp 1-16
- Structural repair/strengthening of R/C columns. Frangou, Pilakoutas, Dritsos. Construction and building Materials Vol 9(5), pp 259-266, 1995
- Composite Technique for Repair/Strengthening of R.C. members, Dritsos S., Pilakoutas K., Proc. of 2nd International Symposium on Composite Materials and Structures, Beiging, China, (1992).
- Effects of wall thickness of steel tube on the behavior of square tubed r/c columns. Sakino, Sun, Aklan. 11th WCEE
- Seismic evaluation and retrofit with steel jackets of r/c bridge piers detailed with lap-splices. Daudey, Filiatrault. Can. J. of Civ. Eng. Vol 27, pp 1-16, 2000
- Experimental Study on a Composite Technique for Repair/Strengthening of R.C. Columns Dritsos S.,Georgopoulos T., Pilakoutas K., Proc. of 5th International Conference on Structural Faults and Repair, Edinburgh, (1993).
- Repair/Strengthening Techniques for Structurally Damaged R.C. Columns, Dritsos S., Pilakoutas K., Proc. of 5th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Chicago, Illinois, (1994).
- Repair/Strengthening of Columns by a Simple Localized Strengthening Technique, Frangou M., Pilakoutas K., Dritsos S., Proc. of 5th International Conference on Structural Faults and Repair, Edinburgh, (1993).
- Behavior of strengthened and/or repaired r/c columns under reversed cyclic deformations. Bett. Master Thesis, Univ of Texas, May 1984
- Evaluation of strengthening schemes for r/c moment resisting frame structures subjected to seismic loads. Jordan. PhD Dissertation, Univ. of Texas, May 1991
- Seismic response of «As built» and retrofitted squat circular r/c bridge columns. Verma, Ravidra, Priestley, Seible. Proc. 5th US Nat. Con. On Earth. Eng. Oakland 1994, vol 5, pp 477-486
Ενίσχυση με μανδύες Ο.Σ
- Damage Assessment of Jacketed RC Columns Using Vibration Tests. Maria Q. Feng and Eun Y. Bahng. ASCE J. Str. Eng., Mar 99, pp 265
- Lateral Load Response of Strengthened and Repaired Reinforced Concrete Columns. J. Bett, R. E. Klingner and J. O. Jirsa. ACI Str. J., Sep-Oct 88 pp 499
- Παραμετρική Διερεύνηση Μανδυών Υποστυλωμάτων, Βιντζηλαίου Ε. και Πεδιαδίτης Π., Πρακτικά 6ου Ελληνικού Συνεδρίου Σκυροδέματος, Γιάννενα, (1983).
- Επισκευές Μετά από τον Σεισμό Τάσιος Θ., Πρακτικά Συνεδρίου: Σεισμοί και Κατασκευές, Ο.Α.Σ.Π., Τόμος Ι, Αθήνα, (1984).
- Συστάσεις και Πρακτικοί Κανόνες για τον Επανέλεγχο Επισκευασμένων-Ενισχυμένων Υποστυλωμάτων από Οπλισμένο Σκυρόδεμα, Χρονόπουλος Μ., Πρακτικά 7ου Ελληνικού Συνεδρίου Σκυροδέματος, Πάτρα, (1985).
- Η Μηχανική της Επισκευής Υποστυλωμάτων με Μανδύα. Θ. Τάσιος. 5ο Ελληνικό Συνέδριο Σκυροδέματος
- Συστάσεις και πρακτικοί κανόνες για τον επανέλεγχο επισκευασμένων/ενισχυμένων υποστυλωμάτων από Ο.Σ. Μ. Π. Χρονόπουλος
- Παραμετρική Διερεύνηση Μανδυών Υποστυλωμάτων. Ε. Βιντζηλαίου, Π. Πεδιαδίτης. 6ο Ελληνικό Συνέδριο Σκυροδέματος
- The Mechanics of Column Repair with Reinforced Concrete Jacket. T. Tassios. 7th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering (ECEE) Athens 1982
- Evaluation of seismic retrofit methods for r/c bridge columns. Wipf, Klaiber, Russo, Iowa Univ. Tech. Rep No NCEER-97-0016, Nat. Center for Earth. Eng, Research, State Univ. of New York, Buffalo, Dec 1997
- The repair and strengthening of r/c bridge piers. Park. Univ. of Canterbury, New Zealand, Mar 1992
- Assessment and retrofit of a r/c bridge pier for seismic resistance. Park, Rodriguez, Dekker. Earth. Spectra 9(4), 1993 pp 781-801
- Behavior of jacketed columns. Ersoy, Tankut Suleiman. ACI Str. J., Vol 90, No3, May-Jun 1993, pp 288-293
- Seismic load tests of R/C columns strengthened by jacketing. Rodriguez, Park. ACI Str. J., 91(2), Mar-Apr 1994, pp 150-159
- Studies on repair and strengthening methods of damaged r/c columns. Fukuyama, Higashibata, Miyauchi. Cement and Concrete composites. 22(2000) pp 81-88
- Evaluation of retrofit strategies for r/c columns: a case study. Ghobarah, El-Attar, Aly. Eng. Structures 22(2000) pp 490-501
- Response of repaired/strengthened r/c columns under cyclic actions. Chronopoulos. 8th ECEE, Lisbon, 1986, vol 5, pp11.1/25-11.1/32
- Simulated seismic load tests on two story waffle flat plate structure rehabilitated by jacketing. Rodriguez, Santiago. ACI Str. J., 95(2) Mar-Apr 1998, pp 129-141
- Behavior of repaired/strengthened r/c structural members. Tankut, Ersoy. Proc. Of the ACI Int. Con. On Evaluation and Rehabilitation of Concrete Structures and Innovations in Design, SP-128, ACI, 1991, pp 1257-1276
- Repair and Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Elements under Cyclic Loading. A.M. Gomes, J. Appleton. 11 ECEE 1998
- Seismic Repair and Strengthening of a Severely Damaged Concrete Frame. Stoppenhagen, Jirsa, Loring Wyllie. ACI Str. J., Mar-Apr 1995
- Επισκευή κτιρίων που έχουν υποστεί ζημιά από σεισμό. Βιτσαράς, Έξαρχου. 13ο Ελληνικό Συνέδριο Σκυροδέματος – Ρέθυμνο 1999
- Seismic retrofit of existing highway bridges in Japan. Unjoh, Terayama, Adachi, Hoshikuma. Cement and Concrete Composites 22(2000) pp 1-16
- Ενίσχυση Πλαισιακών Φορέων Οπλισμένου Σκυροδέματος με Μανδύες. Γεωργακοπούλου, Δρίτσος. 13ο Ελληνικό Συνέδριο Σκυροδέματος – Ρέθυμνο 1999
- Jacketed column behavior under axial load. Aksan. MSc Thesis, Middle East Technical Univ., Ankara, Sep 1988
- Repair and strengthening of r/c columns. Tankut, Ersoy, Aksan. Seminar on assessment and redesign of concrete structures, CEB, Izmir, Apr 1989
- Jacketed column behavior under combined bending and axial load. Suleiman. PhD Thesis. Middle East Technical Univ., Ankara
- Behavior of repaired/strengthened r/c columns. Tankut, Ersoy. 9th ECEE Moscow, Sep 1990
- Seismic load tests on r/c columns strengthened by jacketing. Rodriguez, Park. Univ. of Conterbury, New Zealand, Dept of Civil Eng., 1992
- Repair and strengthening of r/c concrete columns. Rodriguez, Park. Proc of Silver Jubilee Con, New Zealand Concrete Soc., pp 26-33, Wairakei, 1989
- Behavior of jacketed r/c columns subjected to combined axial load and bending. Suleiman, Ersoy, Tankut. Rep No METU/SML-91/04, Ankara, 1991
- Concrete Jacketing for Reinforced Concrete Columns, Dritsos S., Journal of Construction Repairs, Vol.11(4), (1997).
- Seismic Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Structures by Concrete Jacketing Dritsos S., Taylor C., and Vandoros K., Proc. of 7th International Conference on Structural Faults and Repair, Edinburgh, (1997).
- Concrete Jacketing for Seismic Strengthening, Dritsos S., Georgakopoulou M., CD Proc. of fib Symposium 1999: Structural Concrete-The Bridge Between People, Prague, (1999).
- Strengthening of Existing R.C. Columns for Earthquake Resistance, Kahn L., Proc. of 7th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Istanbul, (1980).
- The Mechanics of Column Repair with a Reinforced Concrete Jacket, Tassios Τ., Proc. of 7th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering
Ενίσχυση με άλλες τεχνικές
- Strengthening of reinforced Concrete Columns by Central Reinforcing Element. Y. Tanaka, Y. Ro, T. Kawahara, O. Nakagawa. 11 WCEE
- Rehabilitation of damaged r/c elements; an experimental investigation. Augusti et al. 7th WCEE vol 4, Istanbul 1980, pp 335-342
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